On September 25-27, 2018, 10 utility software vendors and service providers attended the MultiSpeak® Technical Committee Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina to discuss a wide range of topics which included the following:
- MultiSpeak version 5 testing procedures and how to get utilities more involved in the definition of testing procedures.
- The changes present in version 5.1 Release Candidate. Final changes were approved and version 5.1 will now move on to balloting as a final release.
- Expected use of QName element values and domain names in MultiSpeak.
- Encouraging industry transition to version 5 for production interfaces.
- Outage Detection business processes and use cases.
- AMI device lifecycle business processes and use cases.
During the meeting, participants expressed interest in the new functionality available in version 5 including end device shipment receiving and more straightforward reporting of possible outages from both end devices and consumers. Participants also agreed to pursue strategies that encourage more direct utility participation.
The following attended the meeting in person: Alessandro Meynardi, Sam Faour (Verizon); Joe Jones, Cheryl Dubois, Cody Gilman, Doug Weiblen, Ethan Miller and Frank Barnhart (NISC); Sarah Myles (Clevest); Doug Lambert (NRTC); Rick Sigler, Manish Sarlashkar, Jay Kumar (Sensus); Michael Johnson (Itron); Jeremy Tarver (Partner); Justin Ritter, Amy Delano (Milsoft); Carol Meyer (Landis + Gyr)
The following attended the meeting via webinar: Craig Nelson (Electsolve); Mike Owen (Landis +Gyr); Paul Hesby (Itron) and Konrad Sauer (NISC)
The Technical Committee membership is open to all active members and participation is encouraged and appreciate