NRECA, as the licensor of the MultiSpeak® trademarks, has established these guidelines to ensure the integrity of the MultiSpeak brand. By following the guidelines, a consistent and positive image of the MultiSpeak specification will be presented to the public. Further, the trademarks will remain distinct and serve their chief purpose of identifying a particular source of goods or services. Inconsistent or unauthorized use of the trademarks could diminish their distinctive qualities and thus jeopardize the value of the trademarks and the protection afforded by federal trademark registration. NRECA will take whatever actions it deems necessary to protect the MultiSpeak trademark and protect its licensees from infringement and other inappropriate uses.
The following are some general rules to follow when using the MultiSpeak trademarks in logo format and/or in text references.
- Use the MultiSpeak trademarks as part of your company name or the name of a product or service, or in your domain name or email addresses.
- Don’t: “ABC MultiSpeak Software Interface”
- Do: “ABC Software Interface … a MultiSpeak Compliant Product.”
- Don’t: “XYZ/GIS MultiSpeak Solution”
- Do: “XYZ GIS Solution … is MultiSpeak3 Interoperable.”
- Create or use any mark that is confusingly similar to the MultiSpeak name, design or logos.
- Don’t: “MultiTalk Software”
- Use the MultiSpeak trademarks in a disparaging or derogatory manner.
- Don’t: “MultiSpeak-compliant products stink.”
- Use the MultiSpeak trademarks in any manner that implies sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation with MultiSpeak, NRECA or any MultiSpeak participant or vendor when no such relationship exists.
- Don’t: “ABC Software Company is a strong supporter of the MultiSpeak Initiative.” (when ABC is not a member of nor has never participated in the MultiSpeak Initiative.)
- Do: “ABC Software Company is a MultiSpeak® Software Developer.”
Proper Grammatical Use
- Always refer to MultiSpeak as an adjective and not a noun or a verb.
- Do: “XYZ Company participates in the MultiSpeak Initiative.”
- Don’t: “XYZ Company is part of MultiSpeak.”
- Don’t: “Have you MultiSpeaked that product?”
- Do: “Have you tested your product for MultiSpeak compliance?”
- Do not use the name MultiSpeak in the plural or possessive.
- Don’t: “Are you attending MultiSpeak’s upcoming conference?”
- Do: “Are you attending the next MultiSpeak Solutions Conference?
- Do not combine the name MultiSpeak with another trademark or name.
- Do: “XYZ Company is a MultiSpeak Software Developer.”
- Don’t: “XYZ MultiSpeak Software Company.”
Proper Use of The MultiSpeak Name
- The MultiSpeak name appears as one word and does not use any blank space, hyphens or other punctuation.
- The “M” and the “S” in MultiSpeak are always capitalized.
- The spelling of MultiSpeak must not vary.
- Do not combine the name MultiSpeak with other words.
Proper Use of Trademark Notice Symbols
The name, MultiSpeak, is a federally registered trademark of Cooperative Energy Services, a subsidiary of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Therefore, the federal registration notice symbol ® is used. This symbol must appear on at least the first reference of the MultiSpeak name in text, and every time the MultiSpeak logo is used. The ® symbol is always shown to the immediate right of name MultiSpeak. It appears in superscript when used on the MultiSpeak logo. When the MultiSpeak name is referenced in text, the ® symbol need not appear in superscript.
The MultiSpeak design is also a trademark of Cooperative Energy Services. Therefore, the federal registration notice symbol “®” is used. This symbol must appear on at least the first reference of the MultiSpeak design, and every time the MultiSpeak logo is used. The ® symbol is always shown to the immediate right of the design. It appears in superscript when used on the MultiSpeak logo.